Saudi Government Big Announcement about Un-Married Couples | what is Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 ?
By: Ali Shuja Malik
Oct 07, 2019

Saudi Government Big Announcement about Un-Married Couples | what is Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 ?

Riyadh: The condition of offering marriage certificates to foreign men and women couples visiting Saudi Arabia has been terminated, after which unmarried tourists can stay in the same hotel room.

According to the International News Agency, under the vision of Wali Ahad Muhammad bin Salman to make the country attractive to businessmen and tourists for giving the sinking economy a foothold.

For the first time in Saudi Arabia, a tourist visa policy has been announced, in addition to providing the best services to tourists at affordable prices, eliminating the mandatory requirement of “burqa” for female tourists and now the non-married tourists coming from abroad. They have also been allowed to stay in the same room.

Saudi girls abaya

Riyadh: Saudi Arabia for the first time in its historic sites has announced the issuance of tourist visas to 49 countries, which eliminated the mandatory requirement of Abaya (Burqa) for women while relaxing in clothing for tourists.

Remember that: According to the senior columnists of world wide, this step will produce good revenue for the Government of Saudi Arabia but it will also increase vulgarity in Saudi Arabia.

The visa for the tourist will be for 360 days but no more than 90 days will be allowed and no more than 180 days in the year will be allowed. It means one person can visit Saudi Arabia twice in a year. The visa will be 300 Saudi riyals, while the other 140 will be for travel insurance.

Ali Shuja Malik

Ali Shuja Malik

Professional Content writer ...


Information Bae

Dec 9 2019
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