Pakistan and the Arab world what next?
By: Hamza Rana
Feb 03, 2024

Pakistan and the Arab world what next?

Pakistan and the Arab world what next

From the very beginning since the establishment of Pakistan, the country had a very good economic and bilateral relationship with the Gulf and Arab states. Pakistan's main focus is the Middle East region primarily Saudia Arabia which is the most influential among all the Islamic and Arab nations.

The main reason why Pakistan's foreign policy focus is Arab side is that Pakistan's population big size are right now in Arab countries for the sake of jobs and other sorts of labour work on the other hand the oil-rich Arab countries are necessary for Pakistan because to his most of the oil needs are fulfilled by the Arab countries above all Pakistan is a country which is constantly under the pressure of IMF and other financial institutions due to bad economic condition and the Arab’s are the biggest financial support to Pakistan in every hour of need.

Pakistan is also vital for the Islamic world and the Arab world gives it more significance and importance due to Pakistan having a strong army above all Pakistan is the only Islamic state in the world who had the capability of nuclear weapons. Also, it gave security and other training assistance to the Islamic world most of the Arab country cadets are trained in the Pakistani military academies and institutions.

But now the world is changing drastically and the international community is not in favour of the Islamic world the current wave of terrorism and the regional wave of the war between Hamas and Israel is also a matter of great concern.

Pakistan was the biggest ally of the West in the past that’s the reason that our relationship with the Gulf region was quite good in the past but after Prince Muhammed bin Salman became the crown prince of Saudia Arabia a wave of change came into the Arab region. Specially United Arab Emirates and Saudia are in great favour of India which is a rival country of Pakistan. Still, due to business and economic interest, India is creating great influence in the Middle East which is a very much stressed factor for Pakistan.

Hamza Rana

Hamza Rana

Hamza Rana is young energetic emerging talent & good addition to world of journalism. He started his career as a news reporter...


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