Father of Nation (Muhammad Ali Jinnah)
By: Hamza Rana
Oct 25, 2019

Father of Nation (Muhammad Ali Jinnah)

Muhammad Ali Jinnah a personality that always I admired the most. Everyone in this world has a hero for inspiration and people really look up to that person. They wanted to fallow him in every aspect of life. So as a big admirer of our nation’s founding father Quied-e-Azam I wanted to tell the whole nation about his personality his views and his efforts for the independence of Muslims of sub-continent.

He was not only a leader but in my views he is also a trend setter. He was not only a lawyer but also a loud and influential voice of human rights in the whole south Asia. That’s why I always said Jinnah is not only the leader of Muslims he is also the leader of every minority. When he became governor general of Pakistan he said that every citizen of Pakistan has exercise equal rights rather whatever his religion is no matters whatever his cast his. Everybody is equal under the law. Because a civilized society cannot be formed without rule of law.

Jinnah was born in Karachi on 1876. He was educated from Madrassat-ul-islam and also from Christian mission school. After this for higher studies he went abroad and he joined Lincoln’s inn and in 1893 he was the youngest Indian barrister at that time when he joined Bombay high court. He was the most famous lawyer at that time also.

After all this Jinnah finally entered in politics in 1905 from the platform of the Indian national congress in 1905. He went to Britain in that year as a member of congress delegation and also plead the cause of self-governing of India during the British elections. On his return to India he started to unite India under one umbrella. He was the biggest supporter of Hindu Muslim unity and people knows him as an ambassador of Hindu Muslim unity. But sooner he realized that congress is not a secular party it always Hindu supremacy and rights so after this and the rigid right wing behavior of certain Hindu leaders disappointed him and he joined the Muslim league in 1914.

After he joined the Muslim league he started to unite the Muslims of India and also engaged them with the freedom movement. Jinnah did a lot of efforts to unite all sub-continent Muslims under one flag. And in this all efforts sometimes he was getting depressed but with the spiritual motivation of the poet of the East the Great Sir DR Allama Muhammad Iqbal he was more committed with the freedom struggle and at last on 14 august 1947 he was succeeded in getting a free homeland for the Muslims of south Asia. And he was the first governer general of the newly established country Pakistan.

Jinnah aims were quite high and he wanted to make this country more progressive and prosperous but after only one year of the establishment of Pakistan Jinnah was passed away in Karachi on 11 September 1948. But his dreams will come true one day inshallah.

Hamza Rana

Hamza Rana

Hamza Rana is young energetic emerging talent & good addition to world of journalism. He started his career as a news reporter...


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