Finally Wait is Over Now for Flexible Battery | How it Looks Like ?
By: Faisal Malik
Sep 27, 2019

Finally Wait is Over Now for Flexible Battery | How it Looks Like ?

Flexible batteries for flexible device:

Zurich: in Switzerland scientists at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) have developed a unique battery that is flexible. This Flexible battery can be wrapped, twisted and can be pulled without affecting its performance. The flexible battery can still do its job under all the above circumstances.

The experts of this manufactures says although this is our best lead to modern technology but still we are using old batteries. The invention of the Flexible battery removes significant obstacles in their path.

By the way, it is just like a common Lithium-Ion battery which is being used in Smartphone but flexible electrodes are made from a special type of material. Experts also say that we use only flexible material for the overall manufacture of this Flexible battery. There is not a single nonflexible material used is this Flexible battery.

Remember that: it should be noticed that, this is the first time in the history of modern technology that a successful lithium-ion flexible battery develops that contains all flexible parts along with its electrodes.

Testing using modern technology

Currently, its experts only exposed a prototype that looks like a black plastic material. During the test of flexible battery, it was rolled, wrapped, twist and squeezed but, after all the stress testing it did not stop its working which shows a way towards modern technology.

Flexible battery testing

The manufacturer company till not revealed it’s launched date. But according to experts, with proper funding and research, this invention will make its place on commercial scale in the coming decade.

Releasing date of modern technology Flexible battery

How long will this Flexible battery be available in the market? Nothing has been revealed yet, but it is hoped that with proper funding and further research, Flexible battery will make room for itself on a commercial scale in the next five to ten years.

Faisal Malik

Faisal Malik

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